Sunday, July 6, 2008

Qwest Gets Gephart

I thought I would write and give you an update on the Get Gephart story. Gephart called on Thursday asking me if I got a phone call yet. Not yet, so they were going to come down and interview me again, but then that afternoon Qwest PR called. I had a good conversation with them and then have promised that my bill is all fixed. Well, today a neighbor told me they saw me on TV. I didn't even know they ran the story. I thought they would wait until I knew my bill was really correct. So here is the video. If you cant get it to work, go to and click on Gephart. You will have to watch the Jaguar advertisement before my interview is on. ENJOY!!!


Jennifer said...

Way to go Glenda! I am glad it if finally fixed.

Breanne said...

That is awesome!! It's good to know that problems like that can get fixed, too bad you have to call the news to do it :)

Marci said...

that is a freakin crackup! i totally saw that smile at the front...:)

Jenny said...

congratulations. hope the problems are over.

now if he could go after all the other phone companies . . .