Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Ithink I am caught up. I will be doing my post dedicated to Zach after I find some pics that I want to use. As for that you can see that we have been very busy. Since the beginning of April, Glenda has been in Washington, Idaho, Northern & Southern Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Colorado and Wyoming. I am leaving again on Saturday to head to Coloardo again. Of course most of these states have been for vacations or family gatherings, so I cant complain. My goal is to stay caught up on this blog. We bought a laptop so it will be a little easier. Computer time is hard to get these days. Jason is the Excutive Secretary to the Bishop and is always typing some meeting notes a couple of times a week. We are always busy with something,but I am greatful for everything in my life.

If you have not caught up on my posting, you will have to go back a little in old blogs. I have posted several this week and several of them have gone into the "old posting"

Stay tuned.

A Good Day

June 15, 2008

What a Spiritual, Good and Sad day. Today my son was ordained a Deacon. I cant believe he is a Deacon. Then today is the last day for us to see Jason's parents before they leave for their mission to Ireland. I have to share my story regarding prayer and this situation. Several months ago when Don and Joann started their papers I started to hope (PRAY) that they would still be here when Zach was ordained. They started thier papers in January and with Senior Missionaries they could leave within 2 weeks to 2 months from the time their papers are submitted. Well the call came and they were not to leave until June 16th. The day after the ordaination. I have to say that was a true answer to my pray. Watch for my post about Zach's Big weekend soon.

After the ordaination, we had a lunch at the park. We all had our pitcures taken with Mom and Dad. Then the time came to say good bye. The next morning at 3:30 a.m. Jason and I were privledge to take them the MTC. It was so neat to be there with them. I have never been to the MTC to take a missionary, but no one was there except securtiy. It was so quite it was like we were in the temple. We had to say Good Bye again and see them walk down the hall. We love you Mom & Dad.

p.s.Happy Dad's Day too on this AWESOME day!!!

Sister Tolman, Elder Tolman and the future Elder Tolman
The Family
Ireland here we come.
Just a quick update on the missionaries. They made it to Ireland all in one piece. They are about 130 mile from Dublin, helping a branch out. They said in their last email that the branch were mostly people from all over the world. Also they have no dryer so they have to hang their clothes out to dry, which is a little hard to do sometimes since it rains alot in Ireland. We will keep you updated.

Oremfest Parade

June 14, 2008

After the bike ride, we came home and headed to the parade that Orem City does for Oremfest. I have to say this years parade was not very good. I think next year I will enter my car and put a poster on it and throw candy. I know that this is a tradition and I do love going.

This stormtrooper was walking around advertising for a computer company. Since Zach and Dallin are BIG StarWars fans, they asked if they could get a pitcure with him. Notice that his sidekick made sure that his advertisment was in the pic.
Here is the gang. Our family was there, with my sister and her family, Debi and the kids, with thier friend Heather. Todd and Crytal with their family. The tree we were by kept getting us wet. We could not figure it out.
Of course, my favorite part of the parade are the floats. I think every city in Utah County had their Royality float in the parade. My favorite was Lindon City. I did not get a very good pic of it, so go to Debi & Scott blog to see it and see what Debi put. This is my second favorite, so I will post this one.
p.s. Watch for us next year in the parade.

Jason does another 100 miles

June14, 2008

Tour deCure

This is a bike ride that Jason has been doing for the last 4 years. He is part of a bike club that does rides each week during the summer to train for this event. They raise money for the American Diabetes Associaiton. This year he raised about$300.00. Thanks to all that helped him make this goal. He did not go the full 100 miles, but he did 85 miles in about four and half hours. He made it so fast, we did not get to see him cross the finish line. He made it before we got there. This is up in Brigham City so we hit some traffic and that delayed us a little bit.

He his is at the end with his cool new T-Shirt.
As many of you know, my sister has been here since June 1st. Her husband Chris flew in for the weekend so he could see Jason at the ride and for Zach's Birthday. Max loved these signs that they had all over the event. I caught this cute family pitcure when we were waiting for Jason to get a massase.
Here are the two buds.
Like I said, Max loved these signs.
I am glad that they bent good, or the signs would have been ruined.

Scout Bike Ride

May, 30 2008

The scouts decided to do a 50 mile bike ride for their Biking Merit badge. They asked Jason to be over the bike ride since he is the merit badge counclor for biking. He planned the bike ride to start at the Craker Barrel in Springville, ride to the west side of Utah Lake when they camped for the night. The next morning they got up and rode all the way around West Mountain. It was a perfect day. Not to hot, but alot of work. They all did an awesome job.

The whole gang!!!!
At the beginning!!!
Are we half way there yet?
Yea a break!!!!!
Almost there!!!!
Of course there are no pitcures of Jason because he was ahead of them all taking pitcures. As for Glenda she was driving across Wyoming with her sister, her 11 month old nephew and her two dogs. Pulling a trailer with a big organ in it. Ask me sometime how we got that into the house. It was quite the site.

My BIG News!!!

I know that I am STILL not caught up with my blog. I still have about 5 events that I want to post. I am hoping soon I will be done. I just had to share my excited news of the day. Some of you know that I have been having problems with my bill from Qwest. They keep charging me to much for my internet. So each month I call, they give me a credit, but then the next month I am still charged the wrong amount. Well after 10 months of doing this. I called Bill Gehphart. For those of you who do not know who he is, he works as a consumer reporter for channel 2 here in SLC. People write him and tell him the problems they are having with companies and he helps you get them resolved. WELL he called me today and I am being interviewed on Friday. I dont know if my segment will make it on TV or to the cutting room floor, but I will keep everyone informed.

Yea for me!!!